New LMC mural sends a message to students and adults about reading and imagination.
There's lots of research that supports reading books (not blogs, not Facebook, not video games) is a wonder drug of sorts for our mental and physical health. Sadly, not enough of us our reading as part of our daily routine.
Over 25% of adults will not read a book this year
Over 33% of high school graduates never read another book for their entire life
Reading a BOOK for just 30 minutes a day flexes our mind muscles because it makes us think, imagine, reason, comprehend and problem-solve. As passive recipients of information every day from ads, links, data, status updates, etc. our brains' muscles are not getting the exercise needed to stay in shape. Attention and focus, or more appropriately the lack of, are concerns not just in schools, but in workplaces. It takes effort to read words, figure out their meaning, and comprehend the bigger message. While you read your brain creates images, thoughts and opinions. You use logic and critical thinking skills to understand the ideas being passed onto you by the author. Reading not only improves your attention and focus, but it also expands your vocabulary . As you have more words to communicate your ideas, you have a greater foundation on which to build your imagination.
Teaching creativity is not something that can be done directly. Instead creativity, problem-solving and inventiveness must be encouraged and fostered. Teachers and parents can do this by reading and sharing stories about imagination and creativity and then discussing it with children. Then ask children for their own ideas and support their efforts.