* Reduction in Special Education referrals
* Embedded universal instruction are the best practices for engaging students in their
learning and addressing multiple learning styles
* Differentiation is an integral part of lesson planning, learner outcomes and common
* Professional Development for staff focuses on specific strategies to address student needs
* Participation rate in universal breakfast is 95% and Share A Meal (SAM) is a food package
provided to participating students the last day of the school week. There are currently 62
students participating in SAM.
* Eureka math is a recently implemented math curriculum and is aligned to college career
readiness/ WI Common Core Standards
* Oaklawn's building Student Learner Outcome (SLO) focuses on problem solving and
application of two of the eight mathematical practices which are persistance, accuracy and
problem solving
* Oaklawn staff is participating in the committee reviewing our English Language Arts (ELA)
* Ongoing professional development targets grade level appropriate reading strategies
* Oaklawn 3rd grade teachers are piloting the Arts Integration Menomonie (AIM) initiative with
the mission to embed theater skills into 3rd grade curriculum with the intention to increase
student engagement as well as achievement