My name is Kim Roberts and I am your child’s Art teacher. This is my 26th year of teaching. I have been at Oaklawn since the building opened in 1993. In addition, I live on the East side and my own children have attended Oaklawn, the Middle School and our High School.
Though my job can be exhausting, there is no other job for me! I teach every child in this school on a 3 day rotation. They know when it is art day and they seem to look forward to it as much as I do. I find my job very rewarding and look forward to being here with your children. We do our best to hang their art throughout the building. I take great pride in their efforts! Please hang their art in your home too. Kids are so proud to tell me about art hanging in their rooms, halls etc.
What a way to boost their self-esteem!
If you can help with supplies:
K -Crayola Markers
1- Crayola think Markers
2- Crayola Markers or Ziploc Bags (Sandwich size)
3- White Glue, Paper plates or Aluminum Foil
4- Yarn – Any color you have (kids love multi colored yarn)
5- Colored Pencils and regular Pencils
Other things we always need:
Pencils, Colored Pencils, Glue sticks, Markers, Paper plates, Yarn, fabric pieces, Felt pieces, Ribbon, Beads, Buttons, Feathers, Magazines with Food pictures, Hard plastic animals, Mr. Potato Heads, Etch a sketches, Blocks, Caps and Cover from all containers, Thread spools, small red folgers containers, Coffee mate containers with covers, Old T-shirts size large or bigger (for painting days), How to draw books, Art books, Calendars for pictures, Art posters and other items you might find useful.
Please do not hesitate to contact me via my cell #715-338-7840, my email [email protected] or through the school number which is 715-232-3798.
I have a facebook page with tons of pictures. Look for Oaklawn Artists. It is a lot of work adding pictures but parents and children really seem to like it. I also Tweet.
Please know that you may come into my room anytime. We like visitors and love helpers! I teach from 9-11:35 and from 12:45-3:10.
Kim Roberts, Art Teacher @Oaklawn